New York State Department of Health, NYSDOH, CLPPPP, NY, New York, Early Lessons Learned: New York State’s Primary Prevention of Childhood Lead Poisoning Pilot Project, lead poisoning prevention More
October 8th, 2008
Report: Evaluation of the “10-Year” Smoke Alarm Project
CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; smoke alarms; Jonathan Wilson; Judith Akoto; Sherry Dixon; David Jacobs; publication; report; 2008; | Evaluation of the “10-Year” Smoke Alarm Project More
September 30th, 2008
[RWJF] Where We Live Matters for Our Health: The Links Between Housing and Health
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; RWJF; Commission to Build a Healthier America; housing; health; lead; lead poisoning; HHI; SKCHHP; HUD; affordability; commission health; publications; issue brief; 2008; | Where We Live Matters for Our Health: The… More
September 3rd, 2008
Guidebook for Developing State and Local Lead-Based Paint Enforcement Bench Books
Guidebook for Developing State and Local Lead-Based Paint Enforcement Bench Books, Stephanie Brown, lead paint, lead, enforcement More
August 8th, 2008
Fact Sheet: Background on the Importance of Healthy Housing for Older Adults
Aging; asthma; aging in place; falls; seniors; elderly; older adults; extreme heat; heat waves; publications; Healthy_Homes_Older_Adults-8-8-08; fact sheets; PDF; 2008; | Background on the Importance of Healthy Housing for Older Adults More
July 31st, 2008
Tool Book for Initiating Effective Policy Change: What You Can Do in Your Community to Protect Children from Lead Poisoning
Berrien County Health Department; Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan; Public Health – Muskegon County; Theresa Green; Paul Haan; Jill Montgomery Keast; Mary DuFour Morrow; Kym Worthy; Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office; Peter D. Jacobson; University… More
May 22nd, 2008
When Is Compliance with the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule Required?
EPA; renovation; repair; painting; rule; housing; publications; | When Is Compliance with the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule Required? More
November 30th, 2007
Article: Immediate and One-Year Post-Intervention Effectiveness of Maryland’s Lead Law Treatments
Maryland; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazard control; Abell Foundation; Department of the Environment; MDE; MD 760; Baltimore City Health Department; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Environmental Protection Agency; HUD; EPA; dust lead loadings;… More
January 31st, 2007
Green and Healthy Property Maintenance Costs and Activities
Boston One Touch; Boston; Massachusetts; MA; Boston Housing Authority; BHA; healthy housing; maintenance; repair; costs; carpets; ventilation; low-VOC; cockroaches; roaches; boric acid; ASHRAE 62.2; MERV 8; Peggy Hegarty-Steck; Ellen Tohn; Tohn Environmental Strategies; Naomi Mermin… More
January 10th, 2007
Letter to Barbara Mikulski from Rebecca Morley Regarding Public Housing Agencies
NCHH, HUD, Barbara Mikulski, Senate | Letter to Barbara Mikulski from Rebecca Morley Regarding Public Housing Agencies More