Boston One Touch, healthy housing, lead, asthma, injury prevention, policy, Peggy Hegarty-Steck, Naomi Mermin Consulting, Ellen Tohn, Tohn Environmental Strategies, Carol Kawecki, Rebecca Morley, Boston Housing Authority, BHA, Boston Public Health Commission, BPHC | Boston One Touch: Action Steps… More
November 30th, 2007
Article: Immediate and One-Year Post-Intervention Effectiveness of Maryland’s Lead Law Treatments
Maryland; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazard control; Abell Foundation; Department of the Environment; MDE; MD 760; Baltimore City Health Department; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Environmental Protection Agency; HUD; EPA; dust lead loadings;… More
October 23rd, 2007
Fact Sheet: Testing for Lead in Consumer Items for Children
Fact sheet; 2007; lead; lead poisoning; lead exposure; children; XRF; x-ray fluorescence; laboratory tests; color change tests; leachable; bioavailable; CPSC; | Testing for Lead in Consumer Items for Children More
August 22nd, 2007
Press: Billings Gazette: Housing Center Releases Lead Hazard Fact Sheets
Lead; lead hazard; lead poisoning; fact sheet, Billings Gazette; publications; articles; | Housing Center Releases Lead Hazard Fact Sheets More
August 21st, 2007
Fact Sheet: Toys and Childhood Lead Exposure
Fact sheet; children; toys; lead poisoning; lead exposure; lead hazards; CPSC; | Toys and Childhood Lead Exposure More
August 19th, 2007
Article: New Haven Register: Dangerous Toys: The Real Risk of Lead Paint, Magnets
Lead paint; lead; toys; children; New haven Register; | Dangerous Toys: Can Elmo Hurt My Child? The Real Risk of Lead Paint, Magnets More
March 14th, 2007
Report: Analysis of Lead-Safe Weatherization Practices and the Presence of Lead in Weatherized Homes: Final Report
U.S. Department of Energy; DOE; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; ORNL; Battelle; Rhode Island; RI; Maryland; MD; Indianapolis; Indiana; IN; weatherization activities; settled dust; lead; lead paint; lead based paint; lead-based paint; LBP; lead poisoning; lead… More
October 29th, 2006
Report: Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update
Lead; lead hazard; lead hazard control; lead-safe; Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; grantees; publications; PDF; lead technical study; #DCHBC0001-03; | Designing and Managing Lead Hazard Control Programs: Lessons Learned Update – Evaluating Lessons… More
June 30th, 2006
Report: Study of HUD’s Risk Assessment Methodology in Three U.S. Communities: Final Report – Volume I: Main Report and Appendix A
Department of Housing and Urban Development; HUD; #MDLR0021-97; Battelle Memorial Institute; Baltimore County Department of Health; Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Milwaukee Health Department; New York City Department of Public Health; MD; WI;… More
August 31st, 2005
[AFHH] Report: Stuck in Neutral: States Neglect Lead Testing Duty to Children Served by Medicaid
Alliance for Healthy Homes; AFHH; Anne Wengrovitz; lead poisoning; lead exposure; Medicaid; publications; pdf; 2005; | Stuck in Neutral: States Neglect Lead Testing Duty to Children Served by Medicaid More