Enterpise Community Partners; Lindsay Eilers; Jonathan Wilson; Ogonnaya Dotson-Newman; JPB Foundation; Miranda Engeberg; Miranda Brazeal; Krista Egger; James Lewis; Pinnacle Construction; indoor air quality; IAQ; carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; formaldehyde; particulate matter; PM2.5; PM 2.5;… More
April 7th, 2022
Report: Studying the Optimal Ventilation for Environmental Indoor Air Quality [Summary]
STOVE project; STOVE study; JPB Foundation; Kresge Foundation; Wells Fargo; Enterprise Community Partners; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; School of Public Health at the University of Illinois Chicago; Christopher Bland; Miranda Brazeal; Jill… More
April 7th, 2022
Report: Studying the Optimal Ventilation for Environmental Indoor Air Quality
STOVE project; STOVE study; JPB Foundation; Kresge Foundation; Wells Fargo; Enterprise Community Partners; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; School of Public Health at the University of Illinois Chicago; Christopher Bland; Miranda Brazeal; Jill… More
July 23rd, 2014
Research: Evaluating the Health Benefits of Green Affordable Housing
Research; Enterprise Community Partners; JPB Foundation; Wells Fargo Housing Foundation; Kresge Foundation; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; University of California San Francisco; University of Illinois at Chicago; University of Colorado; | Evaluating the Health… More