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The National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Steering Committee

The National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition’s steering committee consists of between eight and 16 elected organizations that represent a cross-section of the membership. The coalition will strive to ensure that the steering committee is balanced to represent diverse populations and housing types impacted by unhealthy housing. Two permanent slots on the steering committee are designated for a local government organization and a local community-based organization. Steering committee nominations are solicited from the coalition’s general membership, with elections occurring biannually. Coalition members or nonmembers may be nominated by themselves or someone else by the announced deadline date. As the coalition’s founder, NCHH remains a permanent member of the steering committee. For a more in-depth description of the roles and processes of the steering committee, read these guidelines.

Steering Committee Members

Alameda County Healthy Homes Department
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Boston Public Health Commission
Children First
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
Lead and Environmental Hazards Association
Metropolitan Tenants Organization
National Association for State Community Services Programs
National Center for Healthy Housing (Co-Chair)
Rodin Center for Social Justice, Loyola University Chicago
Rural LISC
Tribal Healthy Homes Network (Co-Chair)

National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Workgroups

The National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition periodically institutes open-membership workgroups around a particular healthy housing topic or policy priority. Previous workgroups have included the Codes and Standards Workgroup and the Medicaid and Affordable Care Act Workgroup.


Latest page update: May 19, 2023.