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Coalition Meetings and Events

January 2021

NSHHC Webinar – Hot Urban Housing: How Cool White Roofs Can Protect Residents’ Health

In many urban homes, families’ exposure to summertime heat—already burdensome—is worsened by flat black roofs on apartment buildings and row houses, which absorb the sun’s radiant heat and convey it through top-floor ceilings to the families living immediately below. Research has shown that heat disrupts sleep and that chronic poor sleep is associated with several major diseases. This webinar will convey the latest findings on these issues, review how some cities are coating roofs white to protect families, and propose how cities may advance white roof coating at little cost to city budgets.


  • Ian Round is a reporter who recently moved to Nashville, where he’s freelancing for The Daily Memphian and the Tennessee Lookout. He covered local politics and schools for Baltimore Brew after earning a Master of Journalism from the University of Maryland. Mr. Round is presenting on “Code Red: Baltimore’s Climate Divide,” an investigative journalism collaboration on which he was the lead reporter. The team used innovative methods in detailing living conditions and health outcomes in the urban heat island of East Baltimore. “Code Red,” published in fall 2019, won numerous awards, competing against the biggest names in journalism.
  • William Driscoll catalyzed a $1 million study by Johns Hopkins University researchers of the health impacts of excess heat from hot flat roofs on the families who live in Baltimore row houses. He then founded White Roofs for Public Health, which promotes low-cost measures that cities can take to advance white roof coating of row houses and apartment buildings to help protect families’ health. Mr. Driscoll is presenting on the extent of the hot roof problem; how excess heat is associated with poor sleep; how poor sleep has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, dementia and depression; and how a city may promote white roof coating, either by tapping proposed federal funds for weatherization and/or by requiring landlords to coat roofs white.

Access the webinar here: GoToWebinar | YouTube.

January 2020

NSHHC Webinar – Understanding EPA’s Proposed Changes to the Lead and Copper Rule

Learn about the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed revisions to the nation’s main lead in drinking water regulation, the Lead and Copper Rule. Our panelists will provide a summary of the proposed changes to the rule, including impacts on monitoring, lead service lines, and public education. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinar | YouTube.


December 2019

NSHHC Webinar – How the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition Scored Major Policy Wins in Six Months

Members of the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition discusses a recent policy victory in Cleveland. In addition to learning about the city’s new policy to address lead hazards in homes, we’ll hear about the coalition and partnership-building, policy development, and advocacy that went into the adoption of this new policy. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


November 2019

NSHHC Webinar – Climate Change and the Environment: Respiratory Impacts, General Health Risks, and the IAQ Implications of Increased Flooding and Wildfires

Climate change represents one of the most significant threats to human health of the 21st century. Given the wide range of climate-related events, from wildfires to flooding to high heat, it is evident that the built and indoor environment – and its occupants – face new and substantial risks. This webinar will explore the current science behind some of these impacts, including changes to the rates and severity of respiratory and allergic diseases. The webinar will also explore some of the evidence-based best practices that can be addressed through ventilation and filtration improvements within the indoor environment. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


NSHHC Webinar – Exploring City and Neighborhood Measures of Housing and Health Equity

Hosted by the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition, NYU City Health Dashboard presents its free online data resource. During this webinar, we will explore the Dashboard and interesting measures that can help local housing agencies and advocates across the country, including housing with potential lead risk, excessive housing cost burden, smoking rates, life expectancy and more, all at the census tract or city level. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


September 2019

HHFF/NSHHC Webinar – New Preemption: A Look at State Efforts to Limit Local Power and Policy Making

Join the Health and Housing Funders’ Forum and the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition for a discussion regarding the movement of state legislatures across the nation increasingly passing laws forbidding or “preempting” local control over public health, economic, environmental, and social justice policy solutions. This webinar will explore the scope and effects of this “new” preemption across several policy realms, with a special focus on housing. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


July 2019

NSHHC Webinar – Legal Frameworks for Lead and Healthy Housing

Presented by the Health and Housing Funders’ Forum and the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition, this webinar will focus on legal tools for lead poisoning prevention. More specifically, panelists from Temple University will discuss legal strategies and approaches for increasing the supply of safe and healthy housing in the U.S. The review will include what we know about the operation and effects of legal levers for health equity in housing and offer thoughts on how foundations can promote the development and spread of healthy housing policies. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


June 2019

NSHHC Webinar – Protecting Against the Silent Killer: Legislating Carbon Monoxide Alarms

First Alert and the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition present an interesting and informative webinar called Protecting Against the Silent Killer: Legislating Carbon Monoxide Alarms, in which participants will learn about this dangerous and misunderstood gas, as well as the risks and optimal standards for CO protection. Participants will also learn what states have done to achieve wider distribution of CO alarms in housing and public spaces. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinar | YouTube. COMING SOON


  • Tim Young, First Alert, Chicago, IL.

April 2019

NSHHC Webinar – Local and State Lead Laws

Led by the Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition presents a webinar that explores the leading lead poisoning prevention programs from Baltimore City and the State of Maryland. In the discussion, participants will learn about local programs as case studies and the lessons that can be applied to other jurisdictions. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinarYouTube.


  • Ruth Ann Norton, President and CEO, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative, Baltimore, MD.
  • Ben Grumbles, Secretary, Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore, MD.
  • Horacio Tablada, Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore, MD.
  • Kaley Laleker, Director, Land and Materials Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore, MD.

February 2019

National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Hill Day 

Healthy Housing Hill Day was February 27, 2019, in Washington, DC.
Annually, NSHHC’s Hill Day works to raise the profile of healthy homes issues and recommend full funding for three crucially important federal programs – CDC’s Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, and CDC’s National Asthma Control Program. Having constituents on hand to share their personal experiences with home-based hazards, describe the work they conduct for healthy homes programs, or explain the ways that healthy homes programs have helped them in the state and/or district they represent, is what truly personalizes the issue for members of Congress. You are the people your member of Congress represents and cares deeply about; hearing from you is what really matters.

January 2019

NSHHC Webinar – The Intersection Between Energy and Health

In the first webinar of the year, the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition presents an exploration of the intersection of energy efficiency and health outcomes. This includes an introduction to the connection between energy and health and dispatches from ongoing projects and case studies. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinar | YouTube.


July 2018

NSHHC Webinar – Healthy Housing Appropriations 101

Hosted by the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition, this webinar covers the basics of the appropriations process and how it impacts healthy housing issues. This introductory webinar illustrates the difference between lobbying and policymaker education, the workings of congressional meetings, and an update on federal funding for healthy homes. Intended to prepare you for engaging your members of Congress, you will gain a better understanding of how to push your healthy housing policy goals and how the process works. Access the webinar here: GoToWebinar | YouTube.


  • Darcy Scott, Senior Policy Advisor, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD
  • Sarah Goodwin, Policy Analyst, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD
  • Jo Miller, Senior Communications Advisor, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD

September 2017

NSHHC Quarterly Meeting Webinar – 10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure

In August 2017, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts published 10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure, a collaborative report evaluating policies to prevent and respond to the problem of childhood lead exposure. In this webinar, Pew Charitable Trusts representatives discuss the quantitative (e.g., cost/benefit analyses) and qualitative findings (e.g., input from citizens across the country) explored within the report. With contributions from the Trust for America’s Health, the National Center for Healthy Housing, Urban Institute, Altarum Institute, Child Trends, and other respected national lead poisoning prevention researchers to the publication, this webinar describes a comprehensive approach and insight into the work that will guide future policy to protect children. Access the webinar: GoToWebinar | YouTube | here.


  • Gabriela Illa, Associate with the Health Impact Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC
  • Mary Jean Brown, ScD, RN, former Director of CDC’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Branch; Health Impact Project, Pew Charitable Trusts, Washington, DC
  • David Jacobs, PhD, CIH, Chief Scientist, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD
  • Darcy Scott, Senior Policy Advisor, National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD
  • Corwin Rhyan, Senior Healthcare Research Analyst, Altarum Institute, Ann Arbor, MI

June 2016

NSHHC Quarterly Meeting Webinar – Healthy Housing for Older Adults: Housing as a Platform for Community Health Systems

In our June 7, 2016, webinar, Healthy Housing for Older Adults: Housing as a Platform for Community Health Systems, a panel of experts spoke about two successful housing-based services models (HBSMs), one in Vermont and one in Oregon, and their importance in addressing the social determinants of health, promoting population health, and advancing healthcare systems change. Evaluations of these programs revealed Medicare and Medicaid savings. You can access a recording of the webinar here.


  • Nancy Rockett Eldridge, Executive Director,* National Center for Healthy Housing, Columbia, MD [pdf]
  • Abigail M. Crocker, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, University of Vermont Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Burlington, VT [pdf]
  • Howard Klink, Project Director, Housing with Services LLC, Klink Consulting Group, Portland, OR [pdf]
  • Amanda Saul, Pacific Northwest Senior Program Director, Enterprise Community Partners, Portland, OR [pdf]

*As of May 2017, Ms. Eldridge now commands the Well-Home Network.

NSHHC Quarterly Meeting Workgroup Updates

May 2016

Joint Webinar – “Find It, Fix It, Fund It: A Lead Elimination Action Drive” Launch Webinar

In the wake of the Flint lead water crisis and increased national will to address the problem, NCHH and the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition have launched a bold new drive to eliminate lead poisoning. The NSHHC also established a Find It, Fix It, Fund It action drive workgroup and held the first webinar for this workgroup on May 25, 2016. You can access a recording of the webinar here.


Sign up to join the Find It, Fix It, Fund It Action Drive and/or add your organization’s logo to it.

April 2016

NSHHC Quarterly Meeting Webinar – Flint: Lessons Learned, Lead Poisoning, Its Prevention, and Its Consequences

You can access a recording of the webinar here.

Below are the panelists and presentations from our April 12, 2016, meeting, Flint: Lessons Learned, Lead Poisoning, Its Prevention, and Its Consequences:

  • Representative Dan Kildee, D-MI-5 [pdf]
  • Professor Marty Kaufman, Professor and Chair, Department of Earth and Resource Science, University of Michigan-Flint [pdf]
  • Paul Haan, Founding Executive Director, Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan [pdf]
  • Patrick Breysse, PhD, CIH, Director, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (NCEH/ATSDR) at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Atlanta, GA [pdf]

NSHHC Quarterly Meeting Workgroup Updates

February 2016

National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Hill Day 

Healthy Housing Hill Day was February 10, 2016, in Washington, DC.
Annually, NSHHC’s Hill Day works to raise the profile of healthy homes issues and recommend full funding for three crucially important federal programs – CDC’s Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, and CDC’s National Asthma Control Program. Having constituents on hand to share their personal experiences with home-based hazards, describe the work they conduct for healthy homes programs, or explain the ways that healthy homes programs have helped them in the state and/or district they represent, is what truly personalizes the issue for members of Congress. You are the people your member of Congress represents and cares deeply about; hearing from you is what really matters. Read a report from our February 10, 2016, Hill Day in Washington, DC.

December 2015

NSHHC Webinar – National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Quarterly Meeting

You can access a recording of the webinar here. Presentations:

September 2015

NSHHC Webinar – National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Quarterly Meeting

You can view a recording of the webinar here. The audio starts immediately and the video starts in the second minute (2:25). Presentations:

March 2015

National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition Hill Day 

Healthy Housing Hill Day was March 17, 2015, in Washington, DC.  

The National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition organized a Hill Day on March 17, 2015, as part of its campaign to restore funding for HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Health Homes and the CDC’s National Asthma Control Program and Lead Poisoning Prevention and Healthy Homes Program. Twenty advocates from seven key states participated in the Hill Day, conducting meetings with over 20 targeted House and Senate offices, including in-person meetings with seven members of Congress and meetings with leaders of the housing and health appropriations subcommittees.

Read about Hill Day 2015 here.