October 12th, 2011

Ugh! – Fleas in the House!

Ugh! – Fleas in the House! by Rebecca Morley Oscar the cat has brought some unwelcome guests into our home – fleas. With a new baby, I’m especially concerned about what type of treatment I should use… More

October 11th, 2011

Home Not-So-Safe Home – Part 2

Home Not-So-Safe Home – Part 2 by Jonathan Wilson Last week, I casually mentioned radon testing at the end of my blog post, but it is a very serious issue that everyone should really consider. Radon is a… More

October 10th, 2011

Orange Alert – CDC Lead Program Elimination

Orange Alert – CDC Lead Program Elimination by Rebecca Morley Are you receiving daily email pleas for your help in saving important federal programs? The proposed budget cuts are so broad and deep that it could be… More

October 6th, 2011

Building Dampness, Mold, and Health

Building Dampness, Mold, and Health by Jill Breysse I applaud the California Department of Public Health for its new Issues Statement on Building Dampness, Mold, and Health [2016 revised version here]. For routine residential assessment, NCHH generally… More

October 4th, 2011

Home Not-So-Safe Home

Home Not-So-Safe Home by Jonathan Wilson I love “news you can use” articles, especially when the popular press talks about an issue that is very near and dear to me — healthy homes. I was excited to… More

October 4th, 2011

Welcome to the NCHH Blog

Welcome to the NCHH Blog by Phillip Dodge Today, NCHH is entering the world of blogging. Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed or check back frequently to stay up to date. More