NCHH30 Throwback Thursday
Week 57: June 29, 2023
by Christopher Bloom
NCHH turns THIRTY this year, so we’re celebrating with a new “Throwback Thursday” photo each week.
The NCHH crew is recovering from a successful Twitter chat, and there’s much going on this week as National Healthy Homes Month wraps up, so here’s a brief post with some public health love. This week’s post features two of our favorite people, Tom Neltner and Jill Breysse. It’s Jill’s work anniversary today—she’s been with us for 30 years—so it’s fitting that we should share a picture of this great lady!
As for Tom, you may recall from past posts that Tom worked for NCHH twice before joining Environmental Defense Fund. We don’t think he’s celebrating an anniversary today (though we admit to not having asked, so you never know), but he is awfully good at hugging (see week 14 for another example)! So, we’ve repurposed this image of him giving Jill a big hug at our NCHH25 reunion reception event to honor her.
The event, a way for us to recognize and celebrate the many past and present staff and board for their contributions to our cause, was held September 7, 2017, at Historic Oakland in Columbia, just a short drive from our headquarters. We invited every current or former staff or board member we could track down to the celebration and many familiar faces. We also ate a lot of delicious food, and a good time was had by everyone. Unfortunately, the pandemic and pressing deadlines have made a 30th anniversary event impossible to schedule. We’ll try again in 2027.
We’ve shared several pictures from the NCHH25 reunion reception in the past but there are so many good ones that this probably won’t be the last. (Shameless plug for this evening’s photographer, the wonderful Lloyd Wolf! Check out Lloyd’s portfolio at
Happy work anniversary, Jill Breysse!

Tom Neltner and Jill Breysse embrace at the NCHH25 reunion reception, Columbia, MD, September 7, 2017.
See You Next Week
We hope that you’ve enjoyed this throwback in honor of our 30th anniversary. Remember that we’ll post a new throwback every Thursday morning at 9:04 a.m. on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter through September 2023. If you’ve missed a previous post, you can always reminisce with us via our NCHH30 gallery.
Christopher Bloom is NCHH’s communications and marketing manager. He joined NCHH in 2008 after nearly a decade in the real estate industry. In a previous role at NCHH, he coordinated a national Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) training program, one of the most successful in the nation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Textual Studies from Syracuse University.