Lead exposure; lead poisoning; lead in water; corrosivity, housing, lead, Pb, rural health, screening programs, water, well; wells; well water; drinking water; WLL; Illinois; IL; Sarah D. Geiger; Jonathan Bressler; Walton Kelly; David E. Jacobs;… More
September 30th, 2020
Lead Legal Strategies Partnership Technical Assistance Tool: Opportunities to Strengthen Local Lead-Related Policies: RRP Certification
Lead Legal Strategies Partnership; Earthjustice; ChangeLab Solutions; Greenwich; Connecticut; CT; Cleveland; Ohio; OH; Buffalo; Rochester; New York; NY; Sugar Hill; New Hampshire; NH; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; lead poisoning; lead-based paint; RRP; certification; training; policing;… More
September 25th, 2020
Protected: Article: Venting for Health: Indoor Air Quality Improvements from Upgraded Ventilation Systems in Multifamily High-Rise Housing
Ventilation; healthy housing; allergy; allergens; carbon monoxide; CO; vents; indoor air; indoor air quality; IAQ; mold; shaft sealing; thermal performance; volatile organic compounds; VOCs; Jonathan Wilson; Sherry L. Dixon; Marc Zuluaga; David E. Jacobs; Dave… More
July 23rd, 2020
Presentation: Legal Levers for Health Equity in Housing, Part 1: Creating Equitable, Diverse Neighborhoods and Communities [slides]
PowerPoint; National Low Income Housing Coalition; NLIHC; Temple University; Center for Public Health Law Research; CPHLR; health equity; housing vouchers; Oak Park Regional Housing Center; OPRHC; Inclusive Communities Project; Athena Williams; Demetria McCain; Scott Burris;… More
June 25th, 2020
Presentation: Healthy Homes Policy and Advocacy [slides]
Women for a Healthy Environment; WHE; webinar; Sarah Goodwin; pdf; presentation; | Healthy Homes Policy and Advocacy [slides] More
June 10th, 2020
Presentation: Bridging Silos: Local Environmental Health Collaborations Leading to Primary Prevention [slides]
Webinar; presentation; slides; Duluth; Minnesota; Rochester; New York; Los Angeles; Long Beach; California; Katrina Smith Korfmacher; Amanda Reddy; 2020; pdf; | Bridging Silos: Local Environmental Health Collaborations Leading to Primary Prevention [slides] More
May 7th, 2020
Letter: FY21 Appropriations to U.S. House: HUD Programs [2020.05.01] [NSHHC]
National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; letter; appropriations; Congress; Senate; HUD; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes; Healthy Homes Program; OLHCHH; Department of Energy; Weatherization Assistance… More
May 7th, 2020
Letter: FY21 Appropriations to U.S. House: EPA Programs [2020.05.01] [NSHHC]
National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; letters; appropriations; Congress; House of Representatives; EPA; Environmental Protection Agency; Indoor Air; Radon; Categorical Grant; Lead risk Reduction Program; Children and Other Sensitive Populations; Betty McCollum; David Joyce;… More
May 1st, 2020
Letter: FY21 Appropriations to Members of Congress [2020.05.01] [NSHHC] – Bundle
Letter: FY21 Appropriations to Members of Congress [2020.05.01] [NSHHC] – Bundle; | Letters from the National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition to Members of Congress (May 1, 2020) More
May 1st, 2020
Letter: FY21 Appropriations to U.S. House: CDC Programs [2020.05.01] [NSHHC]
National Safe and Healthy Housing Coalition; NSHHC; letters; appropriations; Congress; House of Representatives; CDC; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Letter: FY21 Appropriations to U.S. House: CDC Programs [2020.05.01] [NSHHC] More