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Housing and Climate Resource Library

Energy Resources

This page is about the fuel used for cooking and heating appliances and communities’ energy burden. Some kinds of fuel, like gas used for cooking, can create hazards in the indoor air.

Relevant variables for this topic include energy burden, fuel combustion, and fuel most used in households.


Multidimensional Housing and Environmental Quality Index
The Multidimensional Housing and Environmental Quality Index (HEQI) is a one-time research study that was developed based on the World Health Organization’s Housing and Health Guidelines and used the 2019 American Housing Survey (AHS) data. The study provides information on residential environment exposure that can be used to inform strategies to address climate change. HEQI included multiple dimensions of healthy housing with the use of 10 domains: fuel combustion, dampness and mold, pests and allergens, lead paint, high indoor temperatures, low indoor temperatures, crowding, injury hazards, inadequate water and sanitation, ventilation. The final version of the HEQI included 43 AHS variables across the 10 domains. Dampness and mold, low indoor temperatures, household crowding, and inadequate water and sanitation were the four most documented domains.

Climate Central’s Coastal Risk Screening Tool
Climate Central’s Coastal Risk Screening Tool is an interactive map that predicts coastal flooding and sea level rise using advanced global models. The tool provides several maps, including one that shows affordable housing at risk of flooding by decade. The maps are based on peer-reviewed science and include big datasets which are large volumes of structured and/or unstructured data. Since the maps include big datasets that frequently contain some errors, they should be used as screening tools to identify locations that might need a more thorough examination of risks.

American Community Survey
The survey is administered by the U.S. Census Bureau and provides yearly data on jobs and occupations, veterans, homeownership, renters, and other community topics in the United States. This survey provides one- and five-year estimates.


Latest page update: April 22, 2024.