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Housing and Climate Resource Library

Vector Control Resources

This page is about surveillance and control activities for mosquitoes and ticks and related disease.

Relevant variables for this topic include mosquito-borne and tickborne disease and tick surveillance and control activity.


Mosquito-Borne and Tickborne Diseases
Most individual disease pages include the number of cases reported to CDC, and some have maps of distribution. Cache Valley, Chikungunya, dengue fever, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Nile fever, and Zika are some of the diseases spread by mosquitoes. Lyme disease, Powassan virus disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, southern tick-associated rash illness, and tickborne relapsing fever are some of the diseases spread by ticks.

Vector Surveillance and Control at the Local Level
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), with support through a cooperative agreement with Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), conducted a national assessment that measured the capacity of local vector control programs in 2017. The assessment doesn’t report data but indicates how well local vector programs (such as those at local health departments) may be able to handle mosquito-borne and tickborne disease. This assessment provides an understanding of local and tick surveillance and control capacity. The effects of climate change may influence the risk of vector-borne disease. This resource identifies local vector programs have the capacity to tolerate an increased risk of vector-borne diseases as climate change continues to occur and the in-house services that are offered.


Latest page update: April 23, 2024.