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Housing and Climate Resource Library

Indoor Temperature Resources

This page is about household temperature and how temperatures are affected in homes by features of the house. Maintaining thermal control and a safe temperature inside is one of the principles of a healthy home and is only increasing in importance with the rise of extreme heat and extreme cold events.

Relevant variables for this topic include high and low indoor temperatures, unsafe or unhealthy temperature, and stove or oven heating source.


Multidimensional Housing and Environmental Quality Index
The Multidimensional Housing and Environmental Quality Index (HEQI) is a one-time research study that was developed based on the World Health Organization’s Housing and Health Guidelines and used the 2019 American Housing Survey (AHS) data. The study provides information on residential environment exposure that can be used to inform strategies to address climate change. HEQI included multiple dimensions of healthy housing with the use of 10 domains: fuel combustion, dampness and mold, pests and allergens, lead paint, high indoor temperatures, low indoor temperatures, crowding, injury hazards, inadequate water and sanitation, and ventilation. The final version of the HEQI included 43 AHS variables across the 10 domains. Dampness and mold, low indoor temperatures, household crowding, and inadequate water and sanitation were the four most documented domains.

National Energy Assistance Survey
This survey asked a series of questions about the actions respondents take when they have an unaffordable energy bill and about the impact of LIHEAP.


Latest page update: April 22, 2024.