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Housing and Climate Resource Library

Temperature Resources

This page is about extreme outdoor temperatures that may result in death or emergency department visits. Maintaining thermal control in homes and a safe temperature inside is one of the principles of a healthy home and is only increasing in importance with the rise of extreme heat and extreme cold events.

Relevant variables for this topic include historical temperature and heat index, cold related deaths, high and low temperatures, heat-related ED visits, and ED visits.


The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network 
The National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network combines environmental and health data from local, state, and federal sources. Data and information about environments and risks, health consequences, and population health are available through the Tracking Network. Data can be investigated in a variety of ways. Data comparison between two datasets is possible using the Data Explorer tool, which contains all subject categories and indicators. The program has collaborated with other projects to build topic-specific dashboards, including the Heat and Health Tracker and the Environmental Justice Dashboard. These dashboards are interactive tools that present county level data related to heat, health, and environmental exposures. [url; CDC, 2023]

Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Indicators
EPA’s Climate Change Indicators tracks and provides information about the causes and effects of climate changes. This resource provides the public an opportunity to understand long-term climate change trends. This resource can inform the public on the impact climate change may have on housing that lacks adequate insulation or heating sources.

Emergency Department Visits for Diagnoses Directly Indicating Heat Exposure: Variation Across Counties in the United States, 2016-2020
This is a two-part report using data from the State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD) and State Inpatient Databases (SID). Part one focuses on residents of counties across 39 states and the District of Columbia with ED visits related to diagnoses that indicate heat exposure. Part two only focuses on U.S. counties that include tribal lands. A heat exposure diagnosis includes cramps, exhaustion, fatigue, edema, and heat-related fainting or dizziness.


Latest page update: April 22, 2024.