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NCHH Reports, Guides, and White Papers

Below is a history of NCHH guides, manuals, reports, and papers funded by the government, philanthropic organizations, and independent sources. This list is a work in progress and is not complete.


Jacobs, D. E., & Brazeal, M. (2024, June). The home environment. In R. A. Etzel & P. J. Landrigan (Eds.), Textbook of children’s environmental health: Second edition, chapter 15. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. [ISBN: 9780197662533] Available for purchase here: 


American Lung Association & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2023, July). Radon risk reduction strategies in rental housing: Opportunities to strengthen state and local policies. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Available at


Jacobs, D. E. (2022, October). Fifty years of peeling away the lead paint problem: Saving our children’s future with healthy housing. Elsevier Science Publishing. Available at 

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2022, September 30). Data and partners tell the story: An evaluation of the Building for Health program. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Regional Asthma Management and Prevention & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2022, September 30). Unlocking the power of home-based asthma services: Model health benefit packages. Columbia, MD: Authors. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2022, April). Studying the optimal ventilation for environmental indoor air quality. Columbia, MD: Enterprise Community Partners. Retrieved from


National Center for Healthy Housing. (2021, November 5). Healthy housing in Alexandria: Where we are and where we can go. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Eilers, L., & De Scisciolo, S. (2020, November). Overcoming challenges in housing-based research: Insights from a longitudinal study. Columbia, MD: Enterprise Community Partners. Retrieved from

Francisco, P. W., Gloss, S., Wilson, J. W., Sun, Y., Sherry L. Dixon, S. L., Merrin, Z., Breysse, J., Tohn, E., & Jacobs, D. E. (2020, September). Building assessment of radon reduction interventions with energy retrofits expansion (The BEX study): Final report [ORNL/TN-2020/1769]. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. E., Goodwin, S., & Plankey, A. (2020, May). Technical Assistance for Code Transformation and Innovation Collaborative (the TACTIC Project) – Final report for year two. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing.

Jacobs, D., & Goodwin, S. (2020, April). Lead hazard control and healthy Homes. In: 2020 Advocates’ Guide: A Primer on Federal Affordable Housing & Community Development Programs (ch. 6, pp. 1-5). Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from


Wilson, J., & Plankey, A. (2019, June 28). Analysis of the availability and content of housing codes in twenty local jurisdictions in New Mexico: How do local codes compare with National Healthy Housing Standard provisions to protect respiratory health? Final report for the New Mexico Department of Health. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. E., & Goodwin, S. (2019, May). Technical Assistance for Code Transformation and Innovation Collaborative (the TACTIC Project) – Final report. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2019, May). Lessons learned from mini-grants to support the development of a healthy homes workforce. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2019, May). Strategies toward sustainability: More financing mechanisms for healthy homes services. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Jacobs, D. E., & WHO Secretariat. (2018, November). Implementation of the WHO housing and health guidelines. In World Health Organization (Ed.), WHO housing and health guidelines, chapter 9. Geneva: World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. E. (2018, November). Injury hazards. In World Health Organization (Ed.), WHO housing and health guidelines, chapter 6. Geneva: World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. E., & Reddy, A. L. (2018, November). The housing environment. In P. L. Knechtges, G. D. Kearney, & B. A. Resnick (Eds.). Environmental public health: The practitioner’s guide, chapter 21. Washington, DC: APHA Press. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. (2018). Lead hazard control and healthy homes. In National Low Income Housing Coalition (Eds.), Advocates’ guide 2018: A primer on federal affordable housing & community development programs, chapter 5, section 3, 6-9. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from


The Health Impact Project. [National Center for Healthy Housing is listed as a study partner.] (2017, August 30). 10 policies to prevent and respond to childhood lead exposure. Washington, DC: The Pew Charitable Trusts. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. (2017). Lead hazard control and healthy homes. In National Low Income Housing Coalition (Eds.), Advocates’ guide 2017: A primer on federal affordable housing & community development programs, chapter 5, 6-9. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from


Wilson J., Jacobs, D., Reddy, A., Tohn, E., Cohen, J., & Jacobsohn, E. (2016, December). Home Rx: The health benefits of home performance: A review of the current evidence. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy Retrieved from

Tohn Environmental Strategies, National Center for Healthy Housing, Three3, & E4theFuture. (2016, November). Occupant health benefits of residential energy efficiency. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2016, March). A systematic review of health impact assessments on housing decisions and guidance for future practice. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from 

Kruse, J. (2016). Lead hazard control and healthy homes. In National Low Income Housing Coalition (Eds.), 2016 advocates’ guide: An educational primer on federal programs and resources related to healthy housing and community development, chapter 5, 6-9. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from


National Center for Healthy Housing. (2015). New York State’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program: Year 8 summary report (April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015). Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Kruse, J. (2015). Healthy housing and lead hazard control. In National Low Income Housing Coalition (Eds.), 2015 advocates’ guide to housing and community development programs, chapter 5, 6-9. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from

Rose, W., Gloss, S., Francisco, P., Merrin, Z., Cali, S., & Jacobs, D. (2015). Weatherization ventilation strategy as a factor in indoor humidity. Proceedings. In: Healthy Buildings 2015 America: Innovation in a Time of Energy Uncertainty and Climate Adaptation, HB 2015 (pp. 269-272). Retrieved from


Gunderson, S., & Morley, R. (2014, November). Addressing the impact of lead exposure on child development and educational outcomes [Conference paper]. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition 2014. Retrieved from

Morley, R. (2014, November). Improving local and state housing codes through the National Healthy Housing Standard [Conference paper]. 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition 2014. Retrieved from

American Public Health Association & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2014, May 16). National healthy housing standard. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Malone, J. (2014). Healthy homes and lead hazard control. In National Low Income Housing Coalition, (Eds.), 2014 advocates’ guide to housing and community development policy. Washington, DC: National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved from


National Center for Healthy Housing (2013, July). State and local childhood lead poisoning prevention programs: The impact of federal public health funding cuts. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Murphy, A., Jacobs, D., Kawecki, C., Anderson, J., Akoto, J. Ashley, P., Nusum, M., & Pinzer, E. (2012, July). The healthy homes program guidance manual. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing & U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2012, July). Guidelines for the evaluation and control of lead-based paint hazards in housing: Second edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. Retrieved from

Ashley, P., Berko, J. K., Breysse, J., Anderson, J., Jr., Gaitens, J., Menkedick, J. R., & Wooten, M. A. (2012, July). Healthy homes issues: Residential assessment [Version 3]. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. Retrieved from

Lindberg, R., & Wylie, S. (2012, June 29). Health impact assessment as a tool for engaging stakeholders and addressing health trends in land use and community planning. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Ashley, P., Berko, J. K., Kawecki, C., Anderson, J., Jr., Jacobs, D., Weitz, S., Breysse, J., Menkedick, J., Wooten, M., & Zewatsky, J. (2012, June). Healthy homes issues: Asthma [Version 4]. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. Retrieved from


Wilson, J., & Tohn, E. (2011, March). Healthy housing opportunities during weatherization work: June 2010 – February 2011 (Publication No. NREL/SR-7A20-49947). Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved from

Beatley, N. (2011, March). Green housing = improved health: A winning combination. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from 

Braubach, M., Jacobs, D. E., & Ormandy, D. (Eds). (2011). Environmental burden of disease associated with inadequate housing. Copenhagen, Denmark: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Retrieved from


Morley, R. (2010, November). Healthy homes for community health workers: Training and start up in Washington, DC [Conference paper]. 138st APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition 2010. Retrieved from

Fukuzawa, D., & Morley, R. (2010, September 20). Healthy and safe housing: A foundation for healthy futures. Views from the Field. Washington, DC: Grantmakers in Health. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2010). Keep you, your family and your home healthy! A resident manual for Wheeler Terrace residents. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Wilson, J., Jacobs, D., Dixon, S., & Breysse, P. (2009). Housing and allergens: A pooled analysis of nine U.S. studies. 9th International Conference and Exhibition – Healthy Buildings 2009, HB 2009, 586-590.

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2009, August 20). Meeting summary: California Healthy Housing Symposia 2009. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. E., & Baeder, A. (2009, January). Housing interventions and health: A review of the evidence. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Brown, S. P. (2009, January). Federal lead-based paint enforcement bench book. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from


Wilson, J., Akoto, J., Dixon, S., & Jacobs, J. (2008, October 7). Evaluation of the “10-year” smoke alarm project. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Morley, R., & Tohn, E. (2008, September). How healthy are national green building programs? Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Brown, S. P. (2008, August). Guidebook for developing state and local lead-based paint enforcement bench books. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Hegarty-Steck, P., & Mermin, N. (2008). Boston One Touch: Action steps for healthier and greener homes for Boston families. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (2008). Healthy housing inspection manual. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. [NCHH staff contributed to this publication]. Retrieved from


Jacobs, D. E. (2007, April 15). The low-income housing tax credit and childhood lead poisoning prevention: Final report. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing (2007, March 14). Analysis of lead-safe weatherization practices and the presence of lead in weatherized homes: Final report. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Jacobs, D. (2007, February). Brick by brick: Building the links between housing and healthy communities. In: Moving Upstream: Working Together to Create Healthier Communities (A Report on a Statewide Policy Forum on Social Determinants of Health Held on November 13, 2006) (pp. 8-9). BlueCross and BlueShield of Minnesota Foundation.


Galke, W., Dixon, S., McLaine, P., & Wilson, J. (2006, June 30). Study of HUD’s risk assessment methodology in three U.S. communities: Final report – Volume II: Appendices b-e (January 24, 2003; Revised: June 30, 2006). Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from  

Galke, W., Dixon, S., McLaine, P., & Wilson, J. (2006, June 30). Study of HUD’s risk assessment methodology in three U.S. communities: Final report Volume I: Main report and appendix a (January 24, 2003; Final revision: June 30, 2006). Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2006, November 28). Designing and administering lead hazard control programs: Lessons learned update – Evaluating lessons learned from HUD lead hazard control grantees: Final report. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Mermin, N., Morley, R., Powell, K., & Tohn, E. (2006, April). Comparing green building guidelines and healthy homes principles: A preliminary investigation. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing, (2006, January). Asthma and weatherization in Maine. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


National Center for Healthy Housing & Enterprise Foundation. (2005, April). A guide to implementing a home-based child care lead safety program: Program description and document templates. Columbia, MD: Authors. Retrieved from


Battelle & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2004, May 24). Statistical analyses for the six year extension to the HUD national evaluation. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

National Center for Healthy Housing & University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health. (2004, May 1). Evaluation of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program: Final report. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

Battelle & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2004, February). Report on a retrospective evaluation of rounds 3 to 6 of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program.

Proscio, T. (2004). Healthy housing, healthy families: Toward a national agenda for affordable healthy homes. Columbia, MD: Enterprise Foundation. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing (2004). Evaluation of the healthy homes program for the city of Providence: Summary of pre- and immediate post-intervention results. Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Healthy Housing (2004). Evaluation of the healthy homes program for the city of Providence: Summary of one-year post-intervention results. Columbia, MD: Author.


University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (2003, December). Evaluation of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program: Compendium to the final report – June 2000 dataset. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Breysse, P. N., Galke, W., Lanphear, B., & Farr, N. (2003, June 26). The Relationship between housing and health: Children at risk workshop – Report on the workshop (November 7-8, 2002, Annapolis, MD). Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2003, May 20). Comprehensive strategic plan: Lead hazard mitigation act of 2002: A roadmap for implementation. Columbia, MD: Author


Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Healthy Housing. (2001, November). Another link in the chain update: State policies and practices for case management and environmental investigations for lead-poisoned children. Washington, DC: Authors. Retrieved from

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (2001, April 30). Cambridge walk-off mat study report. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


National Center for Lead-Safe Housing (2000, June 20). Impact of untreated fire escapes on interior dust lead loadings: Final report. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1999, June). Another link in the chain: State policies and practices for case management and environmental investigations for lead-poisoned children. Washington, DC: Authors. Retrieved from

Dixon, S., Tohn, E., Rupp, R., & Clark, S. (1999). How much cleaning is enough? An evaluation of alternative post-lead hazard intervention cleaning procedures. Columbia, MD: National Center for Healthy Housing. Retrieved from


National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1998, August 11). Protocols for the study of the HUD risk assessment and the lead hazard screen procedures and their effectiveness. Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1998, July). Lead safety for nonprofit property owners, developers and managers. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing & University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health. (1998, March). Evaluation of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program: Fifth interim report: Progress as of September 1, 1997. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1997, November). Lead-safety for nonprofit property owners, developers and managers. Columbia, MD: Author.  

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1997, April). Designing and administering lead hazard control programs: Lessons learned to date. Columbia, MD: Author. Retrieved from

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing & University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health. (1997, February). Evaluation of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program: Fourth interim report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1996). Communities saving their children’s futures: Community training in the primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning – Workshop III “Introduction to advocacy presentations.” Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1996). Communities saving their children’s futures: Community training in the primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning – Workshop II “Community lead survey and door-to-door lead education.” Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1996). Communities saving their children’s futures: Community training in the primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning – Workshop I “Introduction to the primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning.” Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1996, May). Creating a lead-based paint hazard control policy: A practical, step-by-step approach for nonprofit housing organizations—Second edition (Technical assistance bulletin 2). Columbia, MD: Author.


Jacobs, D. E., Clark, S., Cox, D., Dewalt, G., Farfel, M., Farr, W. G., et al. (1995, June). Guidelines for the evaluation and control of lead-based paint hazards in housing. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved from 

University of Rochester School of Medicine Departments of Pediatrics, Biostatistics, and Environmental Medicine, & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1995, June). The relation of lead-contaminated house dust and blood lead levels among urban children: Final report volume II: Results and discussion (Revised June 1995). Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. Retrieved from

University of Rochester School of Medicine Departments of Pediatrics, Biostatistics, and Environmental Medicine, & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1995, June). The relation of lead-contaminated house dust and blood lead levels among urban children: Final report volume I: Protocols and forms. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. Retrieved from

Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction and Financing Task Force. (1995, June). Putting the pieces together: Controlling lead hazards in the nation’s housing – report (HUD-1547-LBP). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction and Financing Task Force. (1995, June). Putting the pieces together: Controlling lead hazards in the nation’s housing – summary (HUD-1542-LBP). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Staes, C., & Rinehart, R. (1995, April 4). Does residential lead-based paint hazard control work? A review of the scientific evidence: Summary report. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing.

Staes, C., & Rinehart, R. (1995, April 4). Does residential lead-based paint hazard control work? A review of the scientific evidence. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. Retrieved from


University of Rochester School of Medicine Departments of Pediatrics, Biostatistics, and Environmental Medicine, & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1994, November 15). The relation of lead-contaminated house dust and blood lead levels among urban children: Final report volume II. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing.

Argarwal, N., Clark, S., Cook, B., Eberly, S., Elias, R., Emond, M., Farfel, M., Farr, N., Galke, W., Hogan, K., Hurley, H., Jacobs, D., Jones, R., Lanphear, B., Long, W., McLaine, P., Most, H., Peacock, M., Rabinowitz, M., Reigart, R., Remmers, J., Rhode, C., Rust, S., Tohn, E., Weitz, S., Weitzman, M., Wilson, J., & Winter, N. [Panelists]. (1994, August). Round-table discussion of report entitled “The relation of lead-contaminated house dust and blood lead levels among urban children.” (Columbia Inn, Columbia, Maryland, June 23, 1994). Columbia, MD: Irwin Reporting & Video, LLC. Retrieved from

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing & University of Cincinnati Department of Environmental Health. (1994, February). Evaluation of the HUD lead-based paint hazard control grant program in private housing. Overall design and data collection forms and procedures. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1994, January). Major issues affecting the availability and affordability of liability insurance for housing which may contain lead-based paint hazard exposures. Columbia, MD: Author.


Jacobs, D. E., Menrath, W. B., Succop, P. A., Cohen, R., Clark, C. S., & Bornschein, R. L. (1993, June 15). A comparison of five sampling methods for settled lead dust: A pilot study. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. Retrieved from

Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning & National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1993, June). A framework for action to make private housing safe: A proposal to focus national attention. Washington, DC: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning. Retrieved from

Anderson, J. (1993, May). A study to determine the availability of lead liability insurance for the private owners of low to moderate income rental housing. Columbia, MD: National Center for Lead-Safe Housing.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1993). Creating a lead-based paint hazard control policy: A practical, step-by-step approach for nonprofit housing organizations (Technical assistance bulletin 2). Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (1993). Lead-based paint hazards and the comprehensive housing affordability strategy (CHAS) – How to respond to Title X: Recommendations for addressing lead-based paint hazards in housing to reduce childhood lead poisoning (Technical assistance bulletin 1). Columbia, MD: Author.


National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (ca. 1994). Building lead-based paint evaluation and control activities into government programs. Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (ca. 1994). A discussion paper on how to expand and improve lead hazard evaluation services for home buyers. Columbia, MD: Author.

National Center for Lead-Safe Housing. (n.d.). Financing for lead hazard control—Case studies of programs that work. Columbia, MD: Author.


Latest page update: March 18, 2025.