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Health in All Policies

Project Funder: This effort is supported through cooperative agreements with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Environmental Health (CDC-RFA-OT18-1802: Strengthening Public Health Systems and Services Through National Partnerships to Improve and Protect the Nation’s Health).

Project Partners: the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO), and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO).

Project Contact: Laura Fudala,, 443.539.4167

Project Description: In late 2018/early 2019, a competitive solicitation process was conducted to award up to three entities a grant of $20,000 each, as well as technical assistance from the national partners identified above. The purpose of these grants was to advance local efforts to reduce lead exposure and its effects and build capacity to use a Health in All Policies approach for future efforts.

The chosen grantees submitted projects that build and support cross-sector relationships, integrate data systems, and incorporate health into a variety of existing decision-making processes. Additional detail on the selected grantees – Allegheny County Health Department (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), Houston Health Department, Bureau of Community and Children’s Environmental Health (Houston, Texas), Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness (Louisville, Kentucky) – is available on the funding opportunity page, including their specific projects and original solicitation.

Originally scheduled to end in July 2019, a continuation of the cooperative agreements supporting this HiAP+Pb collaborative allowed for not only a second year of grant funding and an extension of the technical assistance period through July 2020 for the original three grantees noted above but also for the introduction of additional grantees into the collaborative community. The 2020 additions included three new NACCHO grantees (local health departments in Boston, Cleveland, and Milwaukee) and one ASTHO grantee (a state health department in Idaho).

ln 2021, the HiAP+Pb work continued with a new competitive solicitation from NACCHO to identify three additional grantees to receive a mini-grant and technical assistance from NACCHO and NCHH through 2022. The selected grantees were Franklin County Public Health, Kent County Health Department, and Minneapolis Health Department.

Selected Project and Grantee Resources

This section contains a HiAP-related resources, developed tools, and testimonials specifically from this project that translate shared technical assistance experiences into accessible, informal examples.

Environmental Health Fact Sheet: Health Department Strategies for Implementing Health in All Policies to Reduce and Prevent Lead Exposure [pdf; NCHH, 2019]

Stories from the Field: 2019 Health in All Policies (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention) Mini-Grantee Case Studies
Grantees from Houston, Louisville, and Pittsburgh talk about implementing a HiAP strategy into their respective lead prevention implementation programs and activities. [pdf; NCHH, 2019]

Lessons Learned: HiAP + Pb Collaborative
Reflecting and sharing lessons learned at the conclusion of any project is an important step in
outlining innovative approaches, dissecting encountered challenges, and facilitating future
successes. [pdf; NCHH, 2019]

Health Department Strategies for Implementing Health in All Policies (HiAP) to Reduce and Prevent Lead Exposure
This webinar provides an overview of grantee accomplishments and lessons learned during the first two years of the HiAP+Pb Collaborative and a brief overview of the tools and resources available to other communities looking to use HiAP strategies to advance their lead prevention work. [url; ASTHO/NACCHO/NCHH/NEHA, 2020]

EarthTime Story: Lead in Pittsburgh Housing
Lead in Pittsburgh Housing visualizes Allegheny County’s lead story to show the legacy issues of lead, industry, housing, and other factors that create environmental justice communities specific to lead poisoning. [url; CMU Create Lab, 2020]

Healthy Home, Healthy Community 
The Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness and their partners at IDEAS xLab and Bates Community Development Corporation launched the Healthy Home, Healthy Community campaign to increase awareness of childhood lead poisoning prevention. The program worked in partnership with communities to develop messaging and spark conversation about lead poisoning, healthy housing, and COVID-19. The campaign consists of billboards and digital ads displayed in Smoketown and West Louisville that feature families from those areas and highlight some of the most impacted community members’ voices. [2020, City of Louisville]

Health in All Policies Approach to Lead Poisoning Prevention at the Houston Health Department 
Hosted by NEHA and NCHH, this webinar features Komal Sheth, MPH, of the Houston Health Department discussing the city’s work on reducing childhood lead poisoning and asthma trigger abatement through the use of a “health in all policies” approach. [url; 2019]

2020 Grantee Impact Video: Health in All Policies in Houston’s Fifth Ward and Acres Homes Communities
The Houston Health Department Bureau of Community and Children’s Environmental Health’s  HiAP work in the Fifth Ward and Acres communities proved so successful that local residents are working to take ownership and expand the program. [url; HHD/NCHH, 2021]

2022 Grantee Impact Video: Evaluating Health in All Policies (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention)
The Minneapolis Department of Health produced this video about the what they were able to accomplish in their city thanks to their participation in HiAP mini grant project. [url; MDH, 2022]

General HiAP Information and Resources

This section consists of new and existing HiAP-related resources and developed tools that translate shared technical assistance experiences into accessible, informal examples.

National Association of County and City Health Officials: Health in All Policies [url; NACCHO]

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials: Health in All Policies [url; ASTHO]

National Environmental Health Association: Health in All Policies [url; NEHA]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health in All Policies [url; CDC]

Center for Health Care Strategies: Incorporating Health into Policymaking Across Sectors: The California Health in All Policies Initiative [pdf; CHCS/RWJF, 2018]

California Strategic Growth Council: Health in All Policies: Advancing Health, Equity, and Sustainability Across State Government [url; CSGC]

The California Endowment, American Public Health Association, California Department of Public Health, and the Public Health Institute: Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments [pdf; TCE/APHA/CDPH/PHI, 2013]

ChangeLab Solutions: Health in All Policies [url; ChangeLab Solutions]

Health in All Policies Evaluation Guidance for Local Health Departments 
To support the development of evaluations, NACCHO, in partnership with the Florida Department of Health at Pinellas County, and the Multnomah County Health Department, OR, developed a HiAP Evaluation Guidance Tool for LHDs using the seven implementation strategies and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials’ four implementation phases as a framework. The purpose of this tool is to support health departments evaluating HiAP initiatives and to begin to build the evidence based for HiAP practice. [pdf; NACCHO, 2021]

Project Media Announcements

Local Health Department Grantees Will Bring “Health in All Policies” Approach to Lead Poisoning Prevention [url; NCHH]

Funding Opportunity Resources

Grantees Announcement [url; NCHH]

Grant Eligibility Requirements [url; NCHH]


Latest page update: January 25, 2023.