Technical Assistance and Coaching

T.A., Your Way: Click the infographic to learn about NCHH’s unique customized technical assistance process.
Housing provides a powerful opportunity to transform individual lives and entire communities. Decades of work have resulted in a range of strategies that can improve housing quality, reduce health disparities, and return a real savings to healthcare and other sectors. An increasing number of communities are adopting these evidence-based policies and practices to improve housing quality, revitalize communities, and improve resident health. At the same time, many other communities are facing similar challenges, but need help figuring out where to start.
For nearly 30 years, NCHH has partnered with housing, health, governmental, and other organizations to integrate health into housing and community development activities. Through these efforts, we’ve helped programs and communities operationalize health-focused activities within their core functions, develop needed and effective cross-sector partnerships, and led community efforts to promote healthy housing through services to residents, policy changes, and impact evaluation. We’ve also amassed a wealth of resources, tools, model codes, best practices, expertise, data, and diverse expert partners that can be deployed to scale up these efforts in communities across the country.
If your community is interested in receiving technical assistance, please contact Amanda Reddy.
Below are some of NCHH’s recent technical assistance and coaching projects. Current projects are marked with an asterisk (*); however, there are useful resources and insights associated with all the projects.
Advancing Safe and Healthy Homes Initiative (ASHHI)
Baltimore-Washington Rail Intermodal Facility Health Impact Assessment
Building Systems to Improve Indoor Air Quality*
Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services*
Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Initiative
Communications and Policy Development for Asthma and Healthy Housing
Equipping Communities for Action Through the National Lead Poisoning Prevention Network*
Healthy Homes Workforce Development*
Lead Legal Strategies Partnership*
New York State Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program (NYS CLPPPP)*
Pittsburgh Lead Policy Cost Analysis* COMING SOON
Protecting Children from Lead Exposures in Child Care*
Español: Protección de los niños contra la exposición al plomo en el cuidado infantil*
Technical Assistance for Code Transformation Innovation Collaborative (TACTIC)*
Latest page update: July 21, 2023.