Grant and Scholarship Opportunities
Whenever possible, NCHH provides grants and scholarships to help communities, healthy housing groups, and even individuals grow and advance the healthy housing movement.
Current Grant or Scholarship Opportunities
No grant or or scholarship opportunities are available at this time.
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Past NCHH Grant or Scholarship Opportunities
2025 Cancer and Environment Mini-Grants: Building Community Capacity to Address Unusual Patterns of Cancer and Environmental Concerns. To help communities build capacity and advance scientific understanding of unusual patterns of cancer or efforts to understand potential relationships with environmental hazards, the National Center for Healthy Housing and the Children’s Environmental Health Network will invite communities to apply for a bundled award of financial and technical support over six months that includes access to technical assistance from a network of national experts, opportunities to engage in peer learning, and a $25,000 grant, which may provide for funding unique needs specific to a community/community members when addressing unusual patterns of cancer and environmental concerns. Learn more about this opportunity.
2024 BPA/HUD Annual Conference Registration Scholarship and Travel Stipend
The National Center for Healthy Housing will open a new scholarship award to help support registration and travel costs for a select number of individuals to attend the Building Performance Association and HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes integrated National Home Performance Conference and Trade Show/National Healthy Homes Conference, to be held April 8-11, 2024, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Learn more about this opportunity.
2023 Lead Poisoning Prevention Mini-Grants: Increasing Rural Community Capacity for Lead Poisoning Prevention
To help communities build capacity and advance evidence-based efforts to prevent childhood lead poisoning, including through exposure to lead in paint, dust, soil, water, and consumer products, the National Center for Healthy Housing invites organizations located in or serving communities in rural areas within states, U.S. territories, and freely associated states, as well as tribes or tribal areas to apply for a bundled award of coaching and support over six months that includes technical assistance from a network of national experts, opportunities to engage in peer learning, and a $50,000 grant. Learn more about this opportunity.
2023 Healthy Housing Mini-Grant: Innovative Strategies to Support Home-Based Child Care Providers
The National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) is pleased to announce an exciting new funding opportunity to help communities deliver financing to home-based child care providers to address environmental hazards where children learn, play, and reside. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2022 Lead and Healthy Housing Mini-Grant: Innovative Strategies to Support Home-Based Child Care Providers
In an ongoing effort to help communities pursue or implement their ideas of how best to create a financing solution for home-based child care providers and others to address lead and other environmental hazards in child care homes, the National Center for Healthy Housing awarded grants to five communities. One finalist community received a $30,000 award and the option of coaching support over one year, including access to technical assistance from a network of national experts. Four additional awardees received $5,000 each plus optional access to the same coaching and support over the project period. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2022 Indoor Air Quality Mini-Grants: Building Systems to Improve Indoor Air Quality
In an ongoing effort to improve health in indoor home environments by reducing exposures to common indoor air contaminants including radon, mold and moisture, dust mites, environmental tobacco smoke (secondhand smoke), pests, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), combustion byproducts (e.g., CO and NO2), and other emerging indoor air quality (IAQ) issues, the National Center for Healthy Housing awarded grants to six communities as part of its Building Systems to Improve Indoor Air Quality initiative. Under the initiative, funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the five communities selected for the full mini-grant will each receive a bundled award of coaching and support over 18 months that includes on-call access to technical assistance from a network of national experts, opportunities to engage in peer learning, and a $15,000 grant. One additional semi-finalist awardee will receive a $5,000 grant and optional access to the same coaching and supports over the 18-month project period. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the recipients.
2019 Lead Poisoning Prevention Grants: Equipping Communities for Action
In an ongoing effort to prevent and respond to childhood lead exposure, the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) awarded grants to applicants from nine localities as part of its Equipping Communities for Action initiative. Under the initiative, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with additional support from the New York Community Trust, the grantees each received 18 months of coaching and support including access to national experts, engagement in a peer learning network, a customized analysis calculating the cost of childhood lead exposure and the economic benefits of interventions, and a $25,000 grant. The awarded projects will build local capacity and advance evidence-based lead poisoning prevention efforts through policy and systems change. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the recipients.
2019 Health in All Policies (Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention) Mini-Grants
NCHH, in collaboration with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), offered funding opportunity for local governmental agencies housing their jurisdiction’s childhood lead poisoning prevention programs (i.e., local health departments, local environmental health agencies). The funding would support their agency’s challenge to implement a Health in All Policies strategy as part of their lead prevention implementation program and activities (examples of sponsored activities included building or enhancing a lead coalition and setting up joint meetings with partners to increase screening and case management). Three entities were awarded $20,000 each (the maximum amount allowed) and received technical assistance from the collaborating national partners along the way. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2018 Healthy Homes Workforce Development Mini-Grants
Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. NCHH awarded 10 mini-grants of $7,500 each to organizations in California, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia. These mini-grants supported communities’ efforts to integrate healthy homes activities into their healthcare systems and policies as well as develop a well-trained, knowledgeable, and reliable workforce to provide healthy homes services. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2018 NEHA/HUD Annual Conference Registration Scholarships
NCHH sponsored five registrations for the NEHA 2018 Annual Educational Conference (AEC) & Exhibition and HUD Healthy Homes Conference, held in Anaheim, California, June 25-28, 2018. Twenty-nine applicants completed a brief survey, and five were selected by random drawing on Monday, March 5, 2018. Funding for this opportunity was provided by The Kresge Foundation. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2017 Healthy Homes Workforce Development Mini-Grants
Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, NCHH awarded Healthy Homes Workforce Development Mini-Grants to applicants in Iowa, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia. These mini-grants helped communities develop their workforce capacity to offer home-visiting services related to healthy homes and to build a pool of community health workers (CHWs) trained in the healthy homes principles. The grants were open to governments, educational institutions, public housing, nonprofit, and tribal communities. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
2017 Lead Poisoning Awareness Community Mini-Grants
Funded jointly by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, NCHH and the Trust for America’s Health awarded mini-grants of up to $5,000 to 15 communities across the country to plan and host lead poisoning prevention events. The grants were intended to help gather community members and decision-makers to engage in a dialogue around actions that can advance local lead poisoning prevention efforts. Learn more about this opportunity and meet the grantees.
Latest page update: February 4, 2025.